Hailing from the city of Flowers Peshawar, a 24 year old Professional Squash player, has represented Pakistan in more than 30 countries and won Laurels both at national and international levels. I have won one of the prestigious titles, The World Junior Team Championship in Poland after 8 years. I turned heads all around the world and made headlines when he returned to his homeland, Pakistan by winning Professional Squash Association’s(PSA) world ranking titles including Malaysian Tour IV in Malaysia, a Silver medal in Finish Open Squash Championship in Finland, and Fourteen Bronze medals In PSA events in different countries.
I have good social media following and i am sure i can promote your brand and use your logo since i am influencing so many youngsters.
Reichweiten / Links
Größte Erfolge
World Junior Champion, 7 Times international world ranking events. 24 times National Junior Champio.
Kennzahlen für Sponsoren
I am a Public figure and I have around 200k followers on all my social media accounts. I have a lot of google content. My social media links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aayazofficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AAyazofficial