I am a 22 years-old professional football freestyler from Madrid. Known by the nickname “Zuri”, I have been practicing this sport for over 7 seven years, having participated in many national and worldwide championships, winning a first place in a National Championships, several 2nd and 3rd places, 4th place in the RedBull Street Style Championship, and a top 15 in the Open World Cup Superball.
Freestyle football is my biggest and most burning passion. I have been training almost everyday since I discovered the vast world of tricks that you can discover with just a ball. I love the challenge of pushing your limits day after day in order to find more complex combinations and more pure ways of enjoying yourself with the ball. Freestyle is my teacher, and I have needed to learn how to keep training in spite of setbacks, loss of motivation, hard times… I can confidently say that I am the kind of person that didn´t give up on his passion no matter what, and that has come purely out of what freestyle has tought me in all these years, and for that reason I will always be a freestyler :)
I have big ambitions in competitions. I have managed to get very good results in the past, but I will keep competing, at least for the next couple of years, trying to make a legacy in this sport. It would be really helpful for me finding sponsors because freestyle football is not supported economically by any organisation, and to go to most of the competitions, I have to pay for everything myself, which is not easy considering I am studying at university at the same time as trying to keep training as much as I can. Therefore, finding economical support to be able to go to more competitions, and taking with me the brand that supports me, would mean a lot to me.
Also, and as I have tried to express above, freestyle is what makes me the happiest, and for that reason I am always thinking of trying to find a way to live out of freestyle. I think it should be possible, for it is a lot more than just doing tricks with a ball. It allows me to spread illusion, happiness, motivation, authenticity, energy, love, laughter… to others, just by showing them what I do. Because I know very well that by seeing how I enjoy doing tricks and improvising with the ball, other people get inspired as well. And I believe that is something extremely valuable and important for the world, and that is the reason why I believe it should be possible for people like me to live out of our dreams and what we love. Theredore, my main goal for finding a sponsor, is being a step closer to find financial freedom to live doing just what I love the most: freestyle football :D