Placement on all team material in negotiable location and size! With advertising across Social Media and event attendance your brand will get great exposure in even the smallest show!
Zusammensetzung des Preises
• Einmalige finanzielle Unterstützung i.H.v. 5.000$0
Start-DatumAb Vertrags-UnterschriftEnd-Datum1 Jahr(e)
Including all the benefits of an Associate Sponsor, you gain specific attendance choices in which the van will travel to upon negotiation. With larger choice on brand name placement on the teams livery and other race materials!
Zusammensetzung des Preises
• Wiederholte finanzielle Unterstützung i.H.v. 10.000$0 jährlich
Start-DatumAb Vertrags-UnterschriftEnd-Datum1 Jahr(e)
One post each in each of the social media channels linked from the Sponsoo profile
Zusammensetzung des Preises
• Einmalige finanzielle Unterstützung i.H.v. 150$0
Start-DatumAb Vertrags-UnterschriftEnd-DatumNach Erfüllung aller Leistungen (einmalige Aktion)
Beiträge in sozialen Netzwerken
Shirt sponsorship for an entire season: You get the well-visible area on the chest of our shirts. The costs for the production of the shirts and printing of your logo are included in the price.
Zusammensetzung des Preises
• Wiederholte finanzielle Unterstützung i.H.v. 2.000$0 pro Saison
Start-DatumAb Vertrags-UnterschriftEnd-Datum1 Jahr(e)
I will attend your live event, for example your trade fair booth, or your corporate event. The price includes one day attendance, plus travel. Travel costs are not included in the price and are to be covered by the sponsor. If I need to stay overnight, the breakfast is to be included into the travel costs. Other meals are covered by myself. Dates are to be discussed and need to fit into my training and competition schedule.
Zusammensetzung des Preises
• Einmalige finanzielle Unterstützung i.H.v. 3.500$0
Start-DatumAb Vertrags-UnterschriftEnd-DatumNach Erfüllung aller Leistungen (einmalige Aktion)
Präsenz bei Veranstaltungen
Including all the Benefits of the Gold and Silver level sponsorships, The Platinum adds your company or brand as a main sponsor, sharing the spotlight at every event or race that the team attends. In all media publications, your brand will be a star in the spotlight for bringing the team success and the teams fans will know its the best choice in any field!
Zusammensetzung des Preises
• Einmalige finanzielle Unterstützung i.H.v. 15.000$0
Start-DatumAb Vertrags-UnterschriftEnd-Datum1 Jahr(e)
With exclusive naming right, this tier provides you with all the features and benefits of other sponsorship tiers! Becoming the main sponsor, the race livery will reflect that was well as all race material, Tents, Shirts, Race suits and mechanic shirts, as well as merchandise will bear your brands logo. As well as advertising across all social media and media publications, your brand will be front and center at every event the van and team attends!
Zusammensetzung des Preises
• Einmalige finanzielle Unterstützung i.H.v. 20.000$0
Start-DatumAb Vertrags-UnterschriftEnd-Datum1 Jahr(e)